22Slides Review

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Simple websites, simple pricing
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22Slides is a simple builder with a simple offer: $10/month.

There's no proofing, but they do offer a Dropbox add-on that you can use for that purpose. You get 1000 images and a Flickr add-on to pull-in more pictures. The ecommerce features are very limited, delivered through Paypal. You're starting to get the picture, no? 22Slides outsources a lot of their core features and focuses on a very simple interface and streamlined experience.

While it may work fine for the hobby photographers, it's not a great option for the pros. The fact that they don't offer a simple way to export all your work is not encouraging for when you may want to switch to another builder.

There's 30 days a free trial waiting for you if you want to take it for a test run.


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