FourFour Review

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Very old looking websites with lots of features
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Fourfour looks like it's stuck in time back when it was founded, in 2008.

That's too bad, because all the features are there: mailinglist, ecommerce store powered by Paypal, photos / videos / music uploads and lots of little website customizations.

All this is available in their free tier by the way, which does mean you get ads on your site. To get rid of the ads and get a custom domain you need to cough up $39 per year.

Which would be totally worth it, if it weren't for the very old, stale templates, lack of mobile responsiveness and overall old myspace-y vibe. Which some may not mind, but Google for one probably will.

You can see that a lot of work went into this website builder, but it also looks like the founders have moved on a long time ago.


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