Photodeck Review

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Plenty of features but nothing out of the ordinary
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There are lots of ways to customize your site's content and design, but the SEO part is lacking, except from the homepage options.

Pricing starts at $12/month and goes up to $60 or much more, depending on how much storage you'll need - you get 10Gb for the smallest tier.

Selling your work is available on the $25/month plan, with plenty of options available, including partners around the globe that can handle printing and fulfillment for you. You can also sell digital products, for zero commission. There's a 14 days free trial available, no credit card required.

You can group clients and email subscribers and send them one-off emails or prompt them to create an account on the store (not recommended). Unfortunately email is sent from and not from a dedicated email sending service, which means most of the emails will be marked as spam, at least by Gmail. There's also no way to use a third party for delivering emails, so that's a big minus.

Another downside are the templates, which are found wanting to say the least. There are only 10 desktop templates and 2 mobile templates available, which also look outdated especially on the font side.

In conclusion it looks like Photodeck is trying to a bit too much - while they do get a lot covered, they don't really shine anywhere and they seem to botch up the marketing part in particular.


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