Photoshelter Review

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Photoshelter is an all-in-one solution for professional photographers to stay on top of their business.

The editor does a good job of presenting the many features when they're needed. You get the usual marketing tools like SEO and social sharing, plus a lot of security and privacy features like custom watermarks, multiple logins for the same gallery/collection and download limits.

You can upload your photos through FTP, by providing a link (if they're already online somewhere) or by uploading a zip archive.

Client Proofing is available, which grants your clients special access so they can search and rate the photos they like. This is cool because client collaboration can be done on-site, faster and easier, especially for the less technical clients which won't have to use third-party products.

There are also lots of commerce features including VAT/taxes collection, coupons, custom backprinting, packages and much more. Did I mention there's also a mobile app available?

The free trial lasts for 14 days, after which you will pay starting at $10/month, $25 if you also need the Client Proofing tool. Unlimited storage is $45, which also gets you a personal website consultation, which at this price seems like a requirement.


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