Zoho Review

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Few and plain looking themes, good integrations
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Zoho is a huge cloud software company and the website builder is just a small (and somewhat ignored) corner of their empire. As such, don't expect to find anything impressive with their offering, it's just a standard website builder that may have been a hit 10 years ago but now is just another drop in the ocean.

While the form builder and the blogging tools are well done, it's not enough to convince in such a competitive market.

Zoho does allow for header and footer code to be added, so you can include some javascript plugins and widgets from third parties.

An interesting features is the possibility to add 301 redirects, which is especially helpful if you switched to Zoho from another host and you want to redirect the old links to your new website.

The paid plans start at $5/site/month for 1GB storage and 10 GB bandwidth which is not a lot, especially if you plan to post pictures on your website. There is a limited free plan available.

Zoho does shine in one aspect, it's well integrated with the rest of their offering like databases and CRM. So if you plan on building a data intensive website it may still be a good choice, otherwise, the boring themes and the stale feature set won't make any heads turn.


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